Youtube SEO Tips | Increase YOUTUBE Views | Hindi | Nandani Tutorial

Youtube SEO | Increase your YOUTUBE Views
My latest video is about Search Engine Optimization in Youtube. Search Engine Optimization is a well known term for bloggers but nobody knows, how to optimize Youtube videos. Today, after watching this video you will be aware and expert in youtube related Search Engine Optimisation facts. By the help of this Video you can increase your YOUTUBE Views fast. And this video will help you to increase your Youtube subscribers also. This video contains 11 points(Topics) which is essential to optimize Youtube and youtube videos.

For more Information visit my Website Or Drop a Comment in Comment Box. I will answer your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation related question.

Youtube Channel SEO, 10 Simple Youtube SEOs For Newcomers, Nandani Tutorial

1) Make Video meaningful and Worthfull because if somebody gives you his time regularly then they also expect some benefits by you then it creates a win-win situation, Focus on Clearity of Picture (better make HD quality) and clear Sound also, upload videos at least once a week regularly.

2) For make video sound clear and noiseless use AUDACITY Download | Audacity®. This app gives you all-in-one at same place.
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3) Make tittle by using keywords. First you search which keywords or phrase gets no. 1 ranking in youtube search. If you want to use two or three keywords then seprate them by using single bar or double bars like my tittle ”Youtube Channel SEO | 10 Simple Youtube SEOs For Newcomers”. You can write this with double bars also as ”Youtube Channel SEO || 10 Simple Youtube SEOs For Newcomers”.

4) Never make tittle phrase with more than 63 characters because google consider search for only 63 characters. It shows 3 dots if your tittle is more than 63 characters.

5) Put 4 types of tags. 1) First one word like how, to, promote, youtube, channel. 2) two words tags like how to, promote youtube. 3) long phrase type keywords tag 4) Misspell keyword tags.

6) Use Cards to promote other videos or playlists or your website. If you have other youtube channel that can be promoted by Cards.

7) Put Sufficient keywords related to yours topics which your channel deals in and keywords related to content (Videos) on your channel also.

8) Describe your Channel’s about section in at least 200 words and use channel related keywords, like topics in which your channel deals in.

How to Earn Money by Freelancing

9) Describe your video in sufficient (at least 150 words) words because search engine reads you description also. Put some keywords in video description also.

10) And last but most important promote your channel on social media like facebook ( Create a special page for your channel), twitter, instagram, share whatsapp etc.

For more Information visit my Website Or Drop a Comment in Comment Box. I will answer your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation related question.

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